Closing out the myriad of events as part of Manifest Rises 2020, the Career Center hosted VFX, Animation and Experiential Design powerhouse, The Mill to connect with students with interest and who are studying Interactive and Cinema and Television...
On Thursday, September 6, 2018, the Career Center hosted a night to remember full of trivia, food, and prizes. Over 50 eager students attended the event to compete and reconnect with friends. By attending this event, Freshman and Transfer...
In partnership with the Cinema and Television department and instructor Richard Petrizzi, the Career Center hosted another virtual career talk with WLS-TV news editor and Columbia College Chicago Alumnae, Ann Servedio Esp. Ann oversees the WLS-TV station’s Grass Valley...
By: Lauren Meranda In preparation for Test Flight – Portfolio Review for Designers, Developers, and Copywriters on April 7, presented by AIGA Chicago and the Career Center at Columbia College Chicago, we asked Lauren Meranda of AIGA to write a...
The Career Center, in partnership with the Cinema and Television Arts department and instructor Richard Petrizzi, hosted a virtual career talk with screenwriter and producer, Norman Steinberg. Based in New York, Norman is known for his work on Blazing Saddles...
Alumnus Derek Van Pelt returned to campus to talk about breaking into comedy, managing Amy Schumer, and discovering Trevor Noah. Derek Van Pelt was a screenwriting major at Columbia College Chicago who attended Semester in LA. After a few...
There is often a great deal of confusion about freelancing, working as an independent contractor for a client, and work-for-hire and how they relate to the IRS and you as a business owner. Freelancers are in fact, independent contractors...
Join us for an open house in the Career Center this Friday! Meet the Career Center staff, learn about the services we provide and how to plan out your future path so you can achieve an on-campus job, a...
What does it take to work at an advertising agency in management, strategy and creative roles? How can you make the leap from student to industry professional and launch your career in advertising and marketing? Hear first-hand from recruiters...
We’re bringing back successful 2017 graduates, now working in their fields, to share with you what it was like before making the leap from student to career. Years of studying in your major, class projects, internships, volunteering, and taking...