Day One: As you arrive for the conference…

Meg Santisi

A few quick things:

A quick coffee. the Intelligentsia @ Monadnock (Jackson & Dearborn) is relatively mellow if you still haven’t had a coffee yet. (See the MAP)

Not too, too crowded for a cup to go

@ 10:30am. Not too crowded for a cup to go…

A quick download.  I highly recommend downloading the CAA app to your smartphone. It allows you to save your own schedule, set alerts for when a session is starting, and generally navigate the Hilton a little more easily.

To download…

Go here, download and install the Guidebook App, then once its up and running search for “College Art Association.”  (Having trouble? Then see this).

The app includes all sessions in an easy to read format...

The CAA app

A quick hashtag. Be sure to tag #CAA2014 on your media!  I will be tweeting @vortexechoes, and many of my fellow bloggers are tweeting too. Gotta run to a session!! More soon friends…






Day One: As you arrive for the conference…

A few quick things: A quick coffee. the Intelligentsia @ Monadnock (Jackson & Dearborn) is relatively mellow if you still haven’t had a coffee yet. (See the MAP) A quick download. …

BA Art History '13 Meg Santisi,
600 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60605