American Blues Theater‘s production of the classic comedy The Rainmaker, the opening show in its 30th anniversary season, features two Columbia College Chicago alumni, Steve Key (BA ’88) and Matt Pratt (BA ’12). Key, a four-time winner of the...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department faculty member Scott Olson is featured in the Chicago premiere of The Lyons, by Nicky Silver. The dark comedy about a family in crisis runs August 27-September 27 at Raven Theatre, 6157 N. Clark....
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department faculty, alumni, and students are involved in The Hypocrites‘ keenly anticipated production of American Idiot–the Chicago premiere of the influential rock musical by Green Day, Billie Joe Armstrong, and Michael Mayer. The ensemble includes...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni and faculty figure prominently in the nominations for the 2015 Joseph Jefferson (“Jeff”) Awards for Equity theatre in the Chicago area, which were announced August 21. Among them were: Caroline Neff, nominated for...
Otherworld Theatre Company , an ensemble founded and led by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni, is presenting Paragon, a festival of short sci-fi and fantasy plays, on August 22-23 — Saturday, 11 AM to 7 PM, and Sunday,...
Jackalope Theatre Company, a collective founded and led by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni, presents its 6th Annual Living Newspaper Festival August 19-23. In homage to the 1930s Living Newspapers of the Federal Theatre Project, Jackalope has assembled...
Columbia College Chicago has announced the selection of Miriam Smith as Executive Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Chosen through a national search, Smith brings extensive experience in cultivating alumni,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni are participating in Kafkapalooza, a festival of new plays, running August 14-22 at Collaboraction’s Pentagon Theatre in the Flat Iron Arts Building, 1579 N. Milwaukee, in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. Presented by the First...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni, faculty, and students are bringing British playwright Jim Cartwright’s The Rise and Fall of Little Voice to the stage of Chicago’s Theater Wit August 14-September 5. Presented by the No Stakes Theater Project,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumna Gillian Hastings, a graduate of the BA Program in Acting, is organizing “gRACE: A Graceful Dialogue on Race,” scheduled for August 14-16 at various locations in Chicago’s Washington Park/Hyde Park, Bridgeport, Garfield Park,...