Dakota Hughes Archive

Hell in a Handbag Productions‘ world premiere Poor People! The Parody Musical, written by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, has been extended through June 23 due to popular and critical acclaim. Smith, a graduate of the...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, is the author and co-star of Hell in a Handbag Productions‘ world premiere Poor People! The Parody Musical, running May 2 through June...
Alumni and faculty of the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department are in the cast and creative team of the musical Billy Elliot at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois. The show runs February 7 through March 24. For tickets...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums and faculty members are in the cast and creative team of the musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois – the nation’s largest musical theatre subscription house....
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums are in the cast and creative team of the Chicago-area professional premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit Broadway musical School of Rock, running April 10 through June 4 at the Paramount Theatre in...
Congratulations to the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums and faculty who won Joseph Jefferson Awards for Non-Equity Theatre – Chicago’s top theatrical award – at the 49th Anniversary Non-Equity Awards ceremony on Monday, March 27, 2023. As previously reported...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Adrian Abel Azevedo ’15, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s Theatre Directing program, is directing the Joseph Jefferson Awards‘ 49th Anniversary Non-Equity Awards ceremony – the first live Non-Equity awards show for the Jeff Awards...
Congratulations to the alumni and faculty of the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department, the Columbia College Chicago Music Department, and the Columbia College Chicago Communication Department who have been nominated for Joseph Jefferson Awards, Chicago’s top theatre award. The 2023...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni are in the cast and production team of a new production of the Stephen Sondheim-James Lapine musical Into the Woods, running February 1 through March 19 at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois....
Carrie 2: The Rage, The Unauthorized Musical Parody, a musical by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Preston Max Allen ’13, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, will be performed in a concert version on...