Stephanie Shaw Archive

Hell in a Handbag Productions‘ world premiere Poor People! The Parody Musical, written by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, has been extended through June 23 due to popular and critical acclaim. Smith, a graduate of the...
Manifest: Breakthrough, the 2024 edition of Columbia College Chicago‘s annual student-powered Manifest Arts Festival, takes place Friday, May 10, to celebrate student achievements at the end of the 2023-24 school year, and the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department is proudly...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, is the author and co-star of Hell in a Handbag Productions‘ world premiere Poor People! The Parody Musical, running May 2 through June...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, stars in his one-person show I Know You Need My Verve, running Saturdays at 10:30 PM from June 3 through July...
The 2023 edition of Columbia College Chicago‘s student-powered Manifest Arts Festival takes place Friday, May 12, to celebrate student achievements at the end of the 2022-23 school year, and the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department is proudly participating, with...
Congratulations to the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums and faculty who won Joseph Jefferson Awards for Non-Equity Theatre – Chicago’s top theatrical award – at the 49th Anniversary Non-Equity Awards ceremony on Monday, March 27, 2023. As previously reported...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, stars in the premiere of his one-person show The Kindness of Mangers, running December 15 through 18 at the Den Theatre, located at...
The Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department‘s 2022-23 Mainstage Season continues with Bat Boy: The Musical, by Keythe Farley, Brian Flemming, and Laurence O’Keefe. The production, featuring an all-student cast and a production team composed of students, alumni, and faculty,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, won a rave review in the Chicago Reader for his comedy Frankenstreisand, running through October 31 at Redline VR,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Tyler Anthony Smith ’17, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Acting, stars in his own play – Frankenstreisand, running September 29 through October 31 at Redline VR, 4702 N. Ravenswood,...