FOUND: Your Portfolium Profile

Did you know employers can search Portfolium, view your projects and consider you as a potential candidate?

Employers can search by tags, with the most complete profiles appearing first.  Complete the three steps below to increase your visibility and send your profile to the Career Center.  The first 10 completed profiles received for review will be featured in our May Employer Newsletter that goes out to over 1,000 recipients.  Note: Profiles must have a minimum of three projects.

Log in to your Portfolium account:

1)   Under Profile, click on Privacy. Make sure both boxes under Profile Privacy are unchecked

2)   Under Portfolio, make sure each project is tagged with both hard skills and soft/transferrable skills 

3)   Send your Portfolium profile to Darlene Jackson in the Career Center for review

Have questions? Email us at or schedule an appointment with a Career Center Advisor to talk about your portfolio: