Otherworld Theatre Company, an ensemble founded and led by Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni, presents a new installment of its interactive fantasy combat series Fight Quest, running June 15 through July 7 at Otherworld’s new home base, located...
The Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department proudly congratulations former Theatre Department student and faculty member David Cromer HDR ’17 on winning the 2018 Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical. Cromer — who studied acting and directing at...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Marissa McKown ’04, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s Theatre Directing program, has been named managing director of the 16th Street Theatre in the Chicago suburb of Berwyn. McKown, originally from Indiana, previously served...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni are in the cast and creative team for the musical Hairspray, presented June 8 through 24 by BrightSide Theatre in the Chicago suburb of Naperville. The show’s co-director is Theatre Department alumnus Barry...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums are on the production team for Empty Threats, presented by the Neo-Futurists theatre company June 7 through July 14. The show’s scenic designer is Columbia College alum Grant Sabin ’05, a graduate of the...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni and student talent is featured in Porchlight Music Theatre‘s New Faces Sing Broadway 1975, which plays at the Skokie Theatre on Tuesday, June 5, and then at the Arts Club of Chicago on...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums are on the production team for The Opportunities of Extinction, presented June 1 through 30 by the Broken Nose Theatre. The production team includes Columbia College alums Devon Green ’18 and Therese Ritchie ’18,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Lea Ciastko ’16, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Musical Theatre, performs her one-woman show It’s My Cancer and I’ll Laugh If I Want To on Sundays, June 3, 10,...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums Michael Pogue ’06 and BrittneyLove Smith ’11, both graduates of the Theatre Department’s Acting program, are in the cast of the Chicago premiere of Father Comes Home From the Wars (Parts 1, 2 &...
Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alum Jessica Lu ’08, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Musical Theatre, costars in the TV series Reverie, which debuts May 30, 2018, on NBC. In this new summer drama, Lu...