Art Education
TagWorking in Graduate School: The Museum of Contemporary Photography
Leading a discussion on color with GTA Photography summer camp students.
One question I noticed a lot of incoming graduate students ha..
A Semester in Review
What is the name for the energy that permeates a campus a week before Spring semester gives way to summer? I’m almost certain I don’t know..
Disbelief, Wonderment, and Other Forms of Amazement
If you had to pick out a single theme from my writing on graduate life thus far, I think the thing you’d see repeating most often througho..
Adventures in Teaching
Hello again, reader. As I noted in my last entry, the passage of time feels inexplicably accelerated in the Spring semester, so the mere w..
Let me introduce myself!
Hello, reader!
I know that things can seem a bit confusing as you navigate the archives and backmost reces..
Esperanza Means Hope
My junior year of high school I read The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. It was a novella that read like poetry, with subtle..
The K-8 Life
My junior year of high school I had AP French first thing in the morning followed by what some of us called the Johnson Double Whammy:..
Leave the room better than you found it
In the final few days of my high school student teaching placement my classes were working on self-directed projects and I got a lot o..
My Students
None of my students are inherently evil. None of them are “bad” kids, though a lot of them feel like they are always being unfairly ju..
And So I Started Drinking Coffee
By time this post goes live I will be into my fourth week of Student Teaching. I am the most tired I have ever been (ever), but I am a..