CategoryWhat I’ve Learned as a 1st Year Grad Student in a Pandemic
Now that I’m over two-thirds of the way finished with my first semester of graduate school, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’ve learn..
My Jordan Year
Hey, y’all. I’m Shelby Hawkins, a Civic Media student at Columbia College Chicago, a reporter at AustinTalks, a stylist at J. Crew and as..
Stepping Back Into the Sun
the cohort. our last shindig together.
Gee whiz.
18 months have come and gone. My cohort and I have chased politicians and parents,..
Confessions of an almost graduate
Wow wow wow. In three weeks I’ll have completed (super duper hopefully) what I set out to do just a year and a half ago.
How to Give Yourself Your Best Chance
Pretty sure I haven’t had less than ten tabs open in ages.
I’ve said quite a bit this semester. Pretty much all of it probably fits in..
Mid-Semester Check-In: Thesis Thesis Thesis
Journals from my students–taking a break from thesis work really just means doing other work.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Here I am smack in th..
GTA: Grand Theft Auto or Graduate Teaching Assistant?
Some days, I scroll down my Facebook feed and gawk at all of my childhood friends who are now allowed to teach children. MY friends. T..
Let’s talk portfolios, yeah?
Bitmoji Me trying to figure out how to make my portfolio POP.
If I was someone who lost their hair when I was stressed, I would’ve gon..
How to survive your first semester of Graduate Journalism
*no attribution required
So you’re starting your first semester of graduate journalism. It’s lit.
Should I stay or should I go?
An actual photo of me in Chicago missing Texas. Photo credit: Nickelodeon
As if the last two years weren’t chocked full of enough big ..