Business and Entrepreneurship
CategoryTo Grow and Learn, To Teach in Turn
My cute, but largely unhelpful FTA (Feline Teaching Assistant)
I’ve been accused countless times in my life of dreaming too big..
Legally Bound
Some light reading.
As I enter the homestretch of my program, I’m hard at work on my next moves. While I’ll miss Columbia, I’m excited..
Legally Bound
Some light reading.
As I enter the homestretch of my program, I’m hard at work on my next moves. While I’ll miss Columbia, I’m ..
Seeking the Upside in the Downtime
I live inside of a Zoom screen now, might as well lean into it, right?
Hello out there! Cruel Valentine here. I’m a second-year studen..
Seeking the Upside in the Downtime
I live inside of a Zoom screen now, might as well lean into it, right?
Hello out there! Cruel Valentine here. I’m a second-year..
So long, farewell…
Hey all,
Fully unsure where to even start with this post, but let’s give it a go. This blog has gone a bit quiet due to COVID-19, remote learning, and the general state of the world right now. Columbia went to fully online classes on April 4th, which has become our new reality as we near the end of the school year. The time at home has, for better and for worse, given me the space to really think about the state of the world and my place within in. When things have become overwhelming, I’ve found it helpful to name the things I am grateful for:
Alumni Insight: Emily Chervony
With post-grad life inching closer, I wanted to step back and gain some perspective with the help of someone who has been in my shoes! I spoke with Emily Chervony, MAM ’19, about her experience beyond the grad program and to hear her thoughts when looking back on her time at Columbia. For context, Emily is the Manager of Administration at The People’s Music School here in Chicago.
One foot in, one foot out
November hit and the countdown to the end of the semester seemed to commence simultaneously for all of the grad students. This was accompanied mostly with excitement and a little stress mixed in. For those of us graduating in May, the conversation is starting to turn toward the ever-looming job hunt. Within the month of November, we have applied for Spring graduation, enrolled in our courses for the last semester, and have started fielding questions from family members about what’s next. My first though: yikes. There has always been a good amount of stuff to juggle as a student in this program but now it feels like everything is ramping up when it should (theoretically) be slowing down. More and more, I am finding myself continuously balancing the here and now, plans for two months from now, and looming questions about my life six months from now.
Spotlight: Wabash Arts Corri-Doors
The ~best~ thing about the MAM program is getting to see student work come to life. About a year and a half into this program, we are getting to see each other’s ideas turn into plans and plans turn into work and work turn into fully realized art. The Hokin Project, The Third Mask Festival, and The Fresh Connect are all examples of student ideas becoming reality. In the past few weeks, we have seen another MAM student’s idea take full flight. This would be none other than 2nd year and resident #doordork, Yvvi Atanassov. Since starting the program, we have heard about Yvvi’s obsession with doors, which is fully detailed on her Instagram @enchantingdoors_ (go follow!). Yvvi describes her love of doors through her favorite quote from Julie Powell: “Doors are going to open doors you can’t even imagine exist”. This passion and obsession with doors has led her to create the amazing project below!
What’s new, Year 2?
Hey all! The best cohort around is back, back, back again!