Skatepark: Concrete Dreams | Won’t You Be My Neighbor | Cowspiracy
These are the docs being screened at DocYourWorld
DAY 1: April 29th
NOON: Skatepark: Concrete Dreams is directed by Nick Nummerdor of Little Cabin Films. It is a series that Nick directed–which features a skate park being created from conception to completion in three segments taking place over a decade. Through verite documentary footage, interviews and archival footage, the film creates and storyline that shows how dreams can become reality even if there are many obstacles. The goal is to make a positive difference in peoples’ communities through a medium of action sports and the public places that facilitate them.
7 PM: Won’t You Be My Neighbor is a 2018 documentary film directed by Morgan Neville and produced by Caryn Capotosto (who will be doing a Q&A after the screening). This film highlights the life and philosophy of Fred Rogers— the star of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. The film has premiered at 2018 Sundance Film Festival and has grossed $22 million, making it the highest-grossing biographical documentary of all times.
Day 2: April 30th
7 pm: Cowspiracy is a feature-length documentary by filmmaker Kip Andersen who uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.