Audio science and practice experts “meet” at Audio Arts & Acoustics

    Date: 11/19/2009

    Approximately two months ago, Audio Arts and Acoustics students and AudoScience1faculty were fortunate to have engineer and producer Eddie Kramer share with us, whether in the standing-room-only LL11 studio or out in the hallway, some of his audio wisdom. Mr. Kramer has been an influential music engineer, producer, and photographer for over 40 years.

    His resume includes extensive live and studio work with the biggest names in pop and rock music history, including The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Kiss, Peter Frampton, and many more, as well as production of seminal live music events such as Woodstock.

    AudioScience2Those attending took notes, leaving the presentation with a long list of tips and tricks, a collection of “audio gems,” which will be … largely useless to them in the long-term unless they clearly understand and can articulate how/why/when/where they work.

    The day after Kramer’s visit, another less popular but equally important visitor graced us with his presence, thanks to the efforts of our department’s Acoustical Society of America student chapterBill Hartmann, world-renowned acoustician, prolific author, and past president of the Acoustical Society of America, shared the results of some of his audio research with a group of over 30 students and faculty.AudioSciene3

    Interestingly, the knowledge represented by Hartmann and several of our department’s instructors is the main ingredient that can help uncover the how/why/when/where behind the audio tips and tricks presented the day before by Kramer (and known to several of our department’s instructors).

    Although our two guest presenters did not get to meet while visiting us, their ideas and expertise “met” AudioScience4in the students and faculty who attended both events. In fact they continue to intellectually “meet” within our courses, discussions, and practice, as the range of their expertise represents the kind of interdisciplinary mind-set that defines us as a department and is necessary for significant success in our industry.

    We will continue to invite such guests and hope you will continue to make the most of what they have to offer!



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