TagIntern Life
As I mentioned in a prior post, I’ve begun a new endeavor: working as an intern with 826CHI. After spending two years wo..
What I’ve Been Up To
I thought thesis hours were going to be a piece of cake. I was!
First, I’m working three jobs. I am teaching Professional Writing C..
Tutoring & Teaching as a Nonfiction MFA Student
As a Graduate Student Instructor teaching in the First-Year Writing Program, I require that my students attend at least one session at..
Teaching Fiction Writing Pt. 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold
As a grad student, I figured that my teaching career would start with a section of Freshman Comp. That wasn’t how it went down. Last w..
Teaching Fiction Writing, Pt. 1
I came to grad school seeking opportunities to teach. I figured that my professorial career would start with a section of Freshman Com..