Film and Video
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Honey Boo Boo isn’t just entertainment; Honey Boo Boo is an education.
New Year, Old Problem: Time Management
I’ve got to get my work and name out there while prepping more movies, writing more scripts, and nailing down a thesis. Now you see why I’m thinking about time management.
You have to look at how your work fits the overall scope of your creative vision. How will it define you as an artist, personally and professionally.
Breaking Routine
…sometimes when you fall into a routine you lose that creative spark.
Artists Teaching Artists
Unlike a traditional campus, the Columbia College Chicago community understands the creative process.
Thesis! It’s Kind’ve a Big Deal.
On November 9th, I was witness to a Columbia College Chicago rite of passage. It wasn’t a crazy hazing stunt where grad students run d..
Make a Decision
A point of view is one of those things that separate great artists from…well…run of the mill artists.
Synergy and the MFA
We have to put or ego aside to achieve synergy. There is no other way to make something greater than the sum of its parts.
Slow and Low, That is the Tempo
The pieces really captured the flavor of the lowrider community. And as great as the brush work was, nothing beat seeing a tricked out baby scooter.
There is another compelling shot where Oh Dae-su devours a live, struggling octopus. You cannot turn away from the car wreck.