TagMeet Johari, Interdisciplinary Arts MA Candidate
Johari; photo credit Krista Franklin
What made you choose Columbia?
I chose Columbia for the diverse array of working professionals..
Meet The Teachers: Cherise Collins
I wanted to share all about another person in our cohort, so I could really show the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of the stude..
Meet The Teachers: Rachel Bernkopf
Every now and again I mention on Marginalia how diverse and unique my classmates are. Columbia’s teaching program seems to attract a r..
The Amazing Liz Rosenberg, Cohort 20 Extraordinaire
My friend and classmate, Liz, is a bowl full of awesomeness. That is a fact and not a biased opinion. She seriously does everything. I..
Nonfiction MFA Student Spotlight: Toni Nealie
During the Graduate Open House and Preview Days, I am often asked why I applied to Columbia, what neighborhood I live in, and what my ..