Visual Arts Education
CategoryLeave the room better than you found it
In the final few days of my high school student teaching placement my classes were working on self-directed projects and I got a lot o..
My Students
None of my students are inherently evil. None of them are “bad” kids, though a lot of them feel like they are always being unfairly ju..
And So I Started Drinking Coffee
By time this post goes live I will be into my fourth week of Student Teaching. I am the most tired I have ever been (ever), but I am a..
Ms. Crone
Art Ed Ladies at NYCH Gallery
Student teaching starts next week (1/20/15), and I suppose the biggest adjustment is going to be not see..
2014 In Review
Holiday Party at Jeanne’s House
I know a few people who write for various media sites and publications. As I’ve read their ‘Best of 20..
Deadlines and D&D
Motivational poster made my my sister Grace when she was in the 7th grade.
I’ve just gotten home from Cohort 22’s last night of Classr..
Alumni Spotlight: Hannah Weil
Hannah Weil graduated from CCC’s Art Ed MAT program in 2012. Last year, I visited her art room at the Harvard School of Excellence in ..
Why Make Art Now
Party, 2014 Jeni Crone
That was the title of a class I took in undergrad: Why Make Art Now. It was that one class I almost always left..
Faculty Spotlight: Beth Drake
Beth Drake, Art Education Faculty, Columbia College Chicago (Photo Credit: Arlo Meyer)
For my faculty spotlight, I interviewed Beth Dr..
The Artist, The Educator, The Advocate
The lady pictured above is Jessica Burton. At the end of this semester we are all going to deserve a nap, but she will likely be the m..