Graduate Admissions
CategoryHasta la Vista Baby
Before the world knew Dear Sugar was Cheryl Strayed, a 22-year-old advice seeker wrote to her and asked “What would you tell your 22-year-old self as a woman in her 40’s?” Strayed’s answer was as heartbreaking as it was beautiful, and it’s a piece of writing I return to often in my life, a kind of sacred text that fills me with a sense of belonging, and most importantly, helps me sit with myself in times of need.
AWP in Portland, Oregon!
This spring break I traveled to Portland for the AWP conference! For those of you who don’t know what AWP is, that’s totally ok; when ..
It’s Crunch Time!
Well, no, I don’t mean ab crunches, though I’m sure I could do plenty of those, and I don’t mean Captain Crunch either—what I mean is th..
Creative Writing is for Lovers
Plant the seeds of love and watch a heart-shaped tree grow.
Valentine’s Day is upon us. All around the Columbia College Chicago campus..
Support Black Writers!
When I started the MFA Creative Writing program, I re-committed to reading more black authors, especially after taking African America..
Farcing About
It’s our first week back at school for our FINAL SEMESTER (whaaaaaaaat!?), and I’ve just returned from Berlin!
Growing Pains Over Winter Break
Usually any type of break over the school year is supposed to be relaxing. I mean, that’s why they call it a “break.” All of my breaks..
Third Year Thoughts, Pt. 2
I’ve become quite reflective this holiday break. Going into next semester I do not feel the same steam as I did coming into the progra..
Extracurriculars: Caffeinated Reading Series
As a graduate student, you are going to be very busy. I know that should be pretty obvious, but really this is true. Although I’m curr..
Working in Graduate School: The Museum of Contemporary Photography
Leading a discussion on color with GTA Photography summer camp students.
One question I noticed a lot of incoming graduate students ha..