Lip-Sync for Your Life
Critique classes, or Seminar, as they’re referred to in the Photography department, can be both exhilarating and anxiety-inducing, both va..
Post-Covid Artist Communes: How to Survive an MFA Program
As a reformed freelancer of 15 years, one of the main reasons I attended graduate school was to gain access to and become connected with t..
Moving Forward: Decolonizing Curriculum Within Arts Education, and Other Late Night Thoughts
I have a thesis to write and there seems to be about 8 million things I can do before even sitting down to think on whatever it is that I’..
Set the Timer to Pandemic and Wait
Over the next three weeks, students all over the country will prepare for finals in the form of tests, projects, presentations, and perfor..
Why bother? Art for Arts Sake
Chicagoans celebrate as Biden/Harris declares victory in the 2020 Presidential election.
In thinking about my introductory blog post and..