Set Goals, Crush Milestones: Part 2

Set Goals, Crush Milestones: Part 2

Things never go as planned. Somehow, things still pan out how they are supposed to. I don’t think I achieved a single goal that I discussed in my first blog post on Marginalia, and I do not feel bad about it. I’ve gained so many valuable experiences in this last year at Columbia College Chicago that would replace every plan I had. You’ll see that all of my achievements reflect an experience that relates to my goal even if it did not help me achieve it specifically.

“I will join the Recording Academy Chicago Chapter.”

After making this declaration, I did no further research in joining the Recording Academy. However, I did explore the music industry more by joining the Club Management Practicum. This class teaches you how to book talent, properly negotiate compensation, secure non-musical talent and gain sponsorships. With this experience under my belt, I have a stronger understanding of the industry. Do I want to work at a club or manage an artist? I don’t know, but I have the skills to do so.

Pictured with Yang Jiao, Club Management classmate, after we dominated our department budget presentation!

“I will attend South by Southwest with AEMMP Records.”

I did not sign up for an AEMMP Record label course this semester. However, I did take advantage of the newest practicum, Sponsorship, to attend the conference. Although the course structure is a little different from the typical practicum, I’m glad that I had the opportunity to attend SXSW. The conference had great panels and keynote speakers, and of course, the night time festival was live every night!

Enjoying SXSW with classmate, Chelsea!

SXSW isn’t a festival without the Bonfire sponsored by Jansport.

“I will organize my e-portfolio.”

This is one thing I thought I would have been able to compile by now. However, life does happen and some things are placed on the backburner. Most of my energy this year has gone into current classes and my part-time job. I do not feel bad for not having this in place in time for full-time job interviews because I’ve been adding to my portfolio. This semester, my Startup Weekend team finally hosted our event! After seven long months of preparation, our event came to fruition. The best thing that will come of this project is a documentary that one of the film practicums recorded for us throughout the weekend. I’m excited for the premiere of their work during Manifest, a time meant to showcase the hard work of graduating Columbia students.

Startup Weekend Chicago 2017 team

“I will attend the Self-Employed Artists Conference/present at their Idea Pitch Competition.”

With this last goal, I really did pursue the Idea Pitch Competition. My idea did not make the final cut, so I was unable to participate in the conference. However, that did not hinder my growth and pursuit of entrepreneurship. Another class I decided to take this semester called, Digital Business Development Practicum, allows me to work on my business by developing my blog. I have been very happy with my progress thus far. Please check out B Chic University for more information about it. My business is surely growing at its own pace. It might not have been ready for the competition, but I hope for my launch to take place sometime this summer!

I hope this post can serve as an inspiration to someone who hasn’t been able to reach all of their goals. Don’t let that become a crippling factor in moving forward and being successful. You may deviate from the plan by far, but keep moving forward.