February 2018
Photographer Sarah Beidatsch
Sarah Beidatsch is a photographer originally born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Currently, she is a junior at Columbia College C..
Are you the 2019 Manifest Creative Director?
Think you can design the face of Manifest? Are you looking for a job, exposure, and the opportunity to build your body of work? We’re look..
The Top 5 Games of 2017
With 2018 spread out before us, it’s easy to get impatient waiting for the many long awaited releases that are slated for the upcoming mon..
Meet Your 2018 Manifest Team
Although it’s only February, the student Manifest team is already hard at work. Chosen from a large pool of talented students, this accomp..
If you had to name the most popular music trends of the 1990s, you might be quick to name R&B or grunge rock. In northeastern Pennsylvania..
Jordyn’s Awesome Super Bowl Party!
Madison E Keenan
Madison E Keenan is a current Senior at Columbia. As an Interdisciplinary major, she is studying Cinema Art + Science, Audio..