software design Archive

    Founded by the creator of the YOU DON’T KNOW JACK® game series, The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. creates virtual teachers, advisors, and salespeople who make online learning and decision making delightful. In all that we do, our goal is to...

    ERP Project Manager – Atlatl Software Atlatl™ Software is in the process of developing and marketing several Sales Resource Planning (SRP™) applications. “DART™” includes two (2) modules: the Product Configuration Module and the Quote Management Module. “SPEAR™” is a...

    Senior Python/Django Developer – Atlatl Software Atlatl™ Software designs, develops, markets, and sells Sales Resource Planning (SRP™) applications. "DART™" includes two (2) modules: the Product Configuration Module and the Quote Management Module. “SPEAR™” is a customer relationship management application. These...