Performance Based Programming Intern for Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is seeking to hire a research intern to perform performance based programming in the Policy & Programming Division. CMAP is our region’s official comprehensive planning organization. The agency and its partners are developing ON TO 2050, a new comprehensive regional plan to help the seven counties and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues. See for more information.
Performance Based Programming Position Description
The intern will conduct research and analysis related to methods used to evaluate the benefits and costs of transportation infrastructure, the performance measures in use by other agencies, and other topics. Across these projects and tasks, the intern will be expected to emphasize the recommendations of ON TO 2050. The ideal candidate for this internship will have strengths in writing, quantitative analysis, and geographic information systems (GIS) skills as well as an interest in the practical application of transportation policy to project identification and selection.

Essential Functions:

* Assist with policy analysis and research on methods of transportation project evaluation.
* Assist with research that enhances the agency’s capacity to evaluate the safety, reliability, congestion reduction, economic, livability, and other benefits of transportation projects.
* Assist with data collection and processing of arterial speed data, incident and crash data, and other large datasets.
* Write issue briefs that explain findings.

More info HERE.

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