How will you as a filmmaker or a person who works in film, commercial or TV production be impacted? What can you do to support Illinois filmmakers and the student and alumni filmmakers of Columbia College Chicago?
Dear IFP Members:
Last night the Illinois Production Community received some shocking news as the Illinois Film Tax Credit was one of the programs halted by Governor Bruce Rauner. This announcement has caused a lot of confusion and concern within the community. Last night we spoke with Christine Dudley of Illinois Film Office, who clarified what this means.
What’s Happening with the Tax Credit?
1. The Illinois tax incentive program has NOT been suspended.
All previously approved productions will not be impacted – this includes all of the major shows.
All existing approved applications will continue to be processed, issued and transferred.
2. The state will defer approving applications for all new film tax credit applications.
Filmmakers are still encouraged to file for tax credits.
New applications will not be processed until this issue is resolved.
Filmmakers should contact the IFO directly at 312-814-3600 or via email at christine.dudley@illinois.gov with any questions or concerns.
What it means for the community?
The tax credit is one of the key components of attracting production work to Illinois. It has become a given for any state serious about maintaining a production base. In less than 24 hours, we’ve already seen a negative impact on our industry, as the uncertainty of the tax credit causes projects to opt out of shooting in Illinois. It is up to all of us to show that this program is necessary to the continued health of our livelihood. We encourage all of you to do the following:
1. If you are thinking about filming in Illinois and the tax credit plays an important role in your decision, fill out your application this week or as soon as possible. It is harder to suspend a program that has a demonstrated need and a positive impact on Illinois’ bottom line.
2. If you make your living working in film and television contact Gov. Rauner https://www.illinois.gov/gov/ContactUs/Pages/VoiceAnOpinion.aspx or call his office at 217-782-0244 and express your concerns.
Consider sending something like the following:
Dear Gov. Rauner:
As an Illinois resident, I know that our state faces an unprecedented financial crisis that needs to be addressed. But the growth of the Illinois Production community is one of the few success stories coming out of Illinois. The film tax incentive program is a critical part of this success. In the 24 hours since the program was suspended, we have already lost jobs, as films have chosen to shoot elsewhere. This is neither pro-business or pro-Illinois family.
The lack of a film tax incentive will cripple one of the few growth sectors in our economy. As one of thousands of Illinois tax-payers who makes their living in the Film and Television Industry, I urge you to reinstate the approval of the film tax credit applications immediately, before more business is lost and irreparable damage is done.
Your Name
IFP Chicago’s main priority is to find out how long the deferment of new applications will take place. We are in communication with the Illinois Film Office and will keep you informed and up to date with any new information.
Thank you,
Nicole Bernardi-Reis
Board President