INTERNSHIPS: ALEX Project Management & Production Internship with Jellyvision Lab, Inc.

Project Management Internship

Founded by the creator of the YOU DON’T KNOW JACK® game series, The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. creates virtual teachers, advisors, and salespeople who make online learning and decision making delightful. In all that we do, our goal is to make complex topics simple and boring material interesting, using a combination of great design, unexpectedly funny content, and serious technology.

Production Internship

That’s lovely, but what’s this I hear about an internship program?

We’re looking for a select group of interns for an extended internship program with our ALEX® team, to learn about what we do and how we do it, and to contribute to our annual implementation process during our customers’ benefit election season. Before we get into specifics, here’s the lowdown on the program in general.

Length: The internship will start in early June and wrap up in November. Only interns who will be available for this entire period will be considered. Interns work full time, Monday through Friday.

Who’s eligible: Students graduating in May/June 2015, recent grads, or any awesome folks who are looking for an excellent short-term opportunity