Internship Season continued…..

Last week, we kicked off Internship season with some Do’s & Dont’s from Emily Henderson. 

For the next four weeks, we’ll be featuring advice from our very own Columbia students, on what they’ve learned during their internship process.  First up – Michelle Graven – Columbia student, & Director of Member Services for Public Relations Student Society of America

My advice for current students:

“Applying for internships is exciting but also very stressful.  I think the waiting game after applying is the worst.  You have to mental prepare yourself to either not get a response or just a flat out no.  Once you get that call to set up a interview, you should start preparing.  It may be awkward, but you should do a mock interview with someone you trust.  It will help calm your nerves and to fully think of answers for potential questions.  

Something I wish I would have done before applying, is gone to the portfolio center.  I was lucky to get a internship without having a portfolio, but I don’t think I will be lucky enough again.  It does not hurt to start your portfolio early.”

When you land the internship, be willing to do anything your boss asks of you.  If it’s making a spreadsheet or walking a dog, do it with enthusiasm and without complaining. 

Lastly, remember why you are doing that internship.  You will be putting in a lot of time and effort, so make sure it is something you really want to do.  Don’t chose the internship only because of how it will look on your resume.  It will be a waste of your time and your internship boss’s time.  Do the internship that will help you in your future career.  After all, you are there to learn.“

FANTASTIC ADVICE. Thanks Michelle!  You can follow Michelle on twitter – @michelle_graven

Stay tuned for another Internship Advice post every Wednesday during the month of February!