Physical Theatre Archive

    Physical Festival Chicago
      Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department faculty member Marc Frost is co-artistic director of the Fourth Annual Physical Festival Chicago, which runs June 2-10 at Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont, in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. Frost, who is also the...
    Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department faculty members Michael Brown and Marc Frost will lead a workshop on “Masks: Presence, Potential and Play” on Saturday, June 4, as part of the Third Annual Physical Festival Chicago, which runs June 3-11...
      The Network of Ensemble Theatres‘ 2016 national symposium, “Intersection: Ensembles + Universities,” presented in partnership with Columbia College Chicago and the League of Chicago Theatres, was held May 20-22 at various locations on Columbia College Chicago’s campus in...
      The Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department is offering a 10 percent discount to Columbia College Chicago alumni who register for a series of workshops in “The Art of Movement at the Service of the Actor” by master teacher...
    The Walkabout Theater Company, whose co-artistic director Thom Pasculli teaches movement at the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department, is presenting the world premiere of its latest physical-theatre piece, Storm, running June 25-28 at Links Hall at Constellation, 3111 N....
    Physical Festival Chicago
    The second annual Physical Festival Chicago takes place July 7-12, with workshops at the Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department in the city’s South Loop and performances at Links Hall at Constellation on Chicago’s north side. Under the leadership of...
    MFA in European Devised Performance Practice at Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department
    “A new generation of performing artists is changing the landscape of modern theatre.”   The Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department is expanding its international studies activities by launching its first-ever graduate-level training program in the 2016-2017 school year—a Master of...