Sticker Collection
Walmart Mad Lib
When I was _________, I would hide ________________ in my ________________.
(age) (plural object) (place, container)
I never got caught and so it encouraged me to do it more often. I began hiding _____________
(small objects)
in the bottom of my pockets to carry out of _________________. Stealing and hiding are
(name of store)
synonymous. If you are good at hiding, you will be good at stealing. My first time stealing
something significant I was in rehab. They would take us on Saturday trips to Wal-Mart and I
would watch boys steal________________, packets of instant coffee, and __________________
(brand of energy drink) (musician/band name)
CD’s for the scratched CD players the meditation man would loan us. But I didn’t steal anything
from Walmart—not then anyway. I would find people on detox, usually a roommate, someone
named ________________________ and I would steal their makeup, cigarettes, snacks, pens. I
(middle-aged white woman name)
even stole their _______________. Rehab is the best place to learn how to steal, because we all
share stories. I had stolen ________________ before, but had never really considered it stealing.
I guess I never considered a lot until now.
How to Hide Your Addiction
12 Steps
Rebecca Khera is a Pakistani-American writer. She recently graduated with an MFA in Nonfiction Writing from Columbia College Chicago. Her work has appeared in R.KV.R.Y. Quarterly Literary Journal, Reservoir Lit, and Saw Palm among others. She often writes about addiction, race, and ghosts. You can follow her solo travel adventures, along with digital art and writing at @bekyykhera on Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok.