TagIn Preparation for the Hunt
It’s spring. There are about seven weeks left in the semester. I’m anxious. It’s time. Time to job hunt.
I’m at NAEA!!
Hello Everyone! Right now, I’m blogging to you live from the National Art Education Association (NAEA) National Convention in Fort Wor..
Tutoring & Teaching as a Nonfiction MFA Student
As a Graduate Student Instructor teaching in the First-Year Writing Program, I require that my students attend at least one session at..
Transcribing Memories
I realized today that while I’ve shared a lot about the process of student teaching, I haven’t spoken a lot about my actual experience..
Why Take Fiction Seminar Courses as an MFA Student?
Right now, I’m taking Nami Mun’s Fiction Seminar course, and I think this is a really important class to take in this program. I eat u..
I Was Observed Today!
Have you ever had just a really big day? So, today was a big day for me. My training wheels are coming off.
What is So Great About Columbia College Chicago? Well…
The truth of it is that I’m ready to be done with school. I’ve pretty much been going nonstop since I was 24 and starting the second h..
The MoCP + Writing and Rhetoric II
During my time teaching as a Graduate Student Instructor and with the Bridge program, I’ve had the chance to incorporate a small porti..
Confessions of a New Student Teacher
I’m almost at the end of my second week of elementary student teaching. I’m loving working with the kids at my school, and I’m having ..
Daniela Milinkovich: The Part-time Perspective
For this week’s blog, I decided to interview my friend and cohort-mate, Daniela Milinkovich, about what it’s like to go through th..