TagGreetings From Warm and Sunny Orlando, Florida!
Wild Chickens of Oviedo, Florida
Just a year and a half ago I was writing about leaving Florida, and now I’m back down south to spend ..
2014 In Review
Holiday Party at Jeanne’s House
I know a few people who write for various media sites and publications. As I’ve read their ‘Best of 20..
Last Days of the Penultimate Semester
The last day with my students
I remember watching the poetry cohort before me hit the last semester of their MFA Poetry lives, and I h..
Well, August has come back around, and this year, instead of prepping for another full time graduate student sc..
The Joy of Challenge
Two short weeks from when I am writing this post, we will be back in class. With so much happening in such..
August Organizing
Inspiration Chalkboard Outside in Paris
So I returned from Europe and now I have a job teaching high school art for District 207 in th..
Summer Lovin’
Beach Time. Christine Reed. Elementary Education MAT. 7/4/14
It’s summertime and I am loving it! Along with the relaxation from the h..
Summer School 101
So summertime is upon us, and I’ve got a sweet gig teaching summer school at my cooperating high school. I’m teaching Summer Semester 1,..
Meet and Greet with Cohort 22
While following my journey through the Elementary Education MAT Program at Columbia College Chicago, you have gotten to know me, my cohort..
Deconstructing Power, Constructing Knowledge
While the second-year Elementary Education and Art Education graduate students are busy student teaching and applying for teaching pos..