Social Justice
TagMoving Forward: Decolonizing Curriculum Within Arts Education, and Other Late Night Thoughts
I have a thesis to write and there seems to be about 8 million things I can do before even sitting down to think on whatever it is that I’..
Chicago Summer Lit Scene
Summer in Chicago is it’s own universe, full of exciting events to choose from. You can find pretty much everything here after everyon..
Angry Arts Administrators
Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essay
I’m writing a blog post on a topic that is being mined the world over by writers more talented than m..
Paseo Boricua: Puerto Rican Promenade
This past weekend, some of my cohort mates and I attended the 40th Anniversary Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Educat..
Guest Blogger: Bernkopf Covers the Social Justice Curriculum Fair
Hey y’all. This week, I decided to give the blog over to recently blogged about Rachel Bernkopf, who attended the Teachers for Social ..
Meet The Teachers: Rachel Bernkopf
Every now and again I mention on Marginalia how diverse and unique my classmates are. Columbia’s teaching program seems to attract a r..