TagOn the Road Again: My Summertime Travel Log
Welcome back readers! (Maybe I’m just saying welcome back to myself because even though this is my first blog post of the 2022-2023 school..
Lessons from Looking
Corita Kent teaching with LIFE Magazine, photographed by Mary Anne Karia in 1965.
The Deep End
Today was our last day of classes at LISPA. Each of our six final sessions ended with applause and a few tears, and I feel extremely full ..
Never a dull moment…
The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy. The week before Spring break was critique week. This year’s critique week was a little di..
Doing Research
As I mentioned in my prior post, I’ve been starting to think about larger, more long-term projects (dare I even say the word, thesis?)..
Immersion Research
I’m 150 pages into my novel and I am at THAT point—the one where you come up with excuses to stop writing. Well, I think in my case it..
My Week in Writing
What’s been going on in the writing world this week?
Well, for starters, I am writing notes to all of the incoming MFA candidates i..
Literary research… That’s FUN!!
I am a total geek. I love comic books and science fiction. Now, I’m going to justify writing about this for the blog: Comic books and ..
Why Research?
Photo From
A topic of discussion that has recently been raised in my Research Methods class..
What Second Semester Holds: Part I
As much as I have enjoyed six full weeks of break, I am excited to once again begin classes! So what does this mean for a second-seme..