Student Teaching – Elementary Week 2
It is week two in my student teaching, and I am still alive! Other than being physically exhausted at the end of the day, I can not th..
Hall Chat: Boully & Casteel Reading
I recently attended an on-campus reading that featured Nonfiction MFA faculty members, Jenny Boully and Joshua Casteel. The reading w..
Want to Take Over the World? Then Take Strategic Planning
Every Monday, as a group we meet for our final core arts management course, Strategic Planning. This course will take important components from our required core classes and put them to the test. This is a big picture type course that focuses on the challenges currently facing the Arts, Entertainment and Media organizations. The goal of the course is to learn how to create a sustainable competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world.
Battle On
In film school, as in many independant productions, the Director usually has the sole financial stake in the film. Therefore, with your vision and money on the line you have to careful.
DMT & C Student Organization MOVED
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Columbia College Chicago’s Dance/Movement Therapy & Counseling MA program (and the College at..
FAQs: Funding and Tuition
Grad school is not cheap. You’re paying to have a couple of years where you can devote your life to your particular artistic passion. ..
Elementary Education Photo Essay: Observing at the Union League in Pilsen
I thought maybe I had pulled up to the wrong building or had incorrectly jotted down the address of my Scientists for Tomorrow after-s..
Becoming Your Own Resource
The other night I sat down to bind a new artist book. I had an idea of what I wanted to make but realized that I hadn’t ever been taug..
But Then There’s Also Life
One of the absolutely amazing things about graduate school is the wonderful community of creative individuals following their passion…
Pay the Way: Graduate Scholarship Opportunities
As the Graduate Ambassador for the InterArts & Media MFA program, I answer emails every week from curious prospective students. The qu..