Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts
CategoryWelcome back…
Of all the souvenirs to bring back from a vacation, I would recommend NOT bringing back a chest cold. It’s awful. Try getting the “I w..
What’s the definition of insanity? It very well may be driving across four states with two small children. Well, ok, it’s not that bad..
Post Critique Evacuation Strategies…
Crits are over!! Yay!! I want to give my cohort a huge congratulations and let them know that I’m super proud of them. I also want to ..
Literary research… That’s FUN!!
I am a total geek. I love comic books and science fiction. Now, I’m going to justify writing about this for the blog: Comic books and ..
Finishing Touches
We are quickly approaching critique week. It is almost like time is speeding up. There has been this sudden sense of urgency among the..
Happenings at the Center for Book and Paper Arts
There is a great show happening right now in the Center for Book and Paper Arts, located on the second floor at 1104 S Wabash. The sho..
Critiques Are Good For You…
Since the semester began, my cohort has been meeting together once a week to do informal critiques of each other’s work. We started do..
Wibbly, Wobbly, Timey-Wimey Fun at Columbia College Chicago
Last Friday evening, I decided to go back to campus. Not to go into my studio, not to get work done—I went for fun. This week, I joi..
A Bookish Outing…
This last weekend, I organized a studio outing with my cohort. I had received an invitation to attend an opening that was being curate..
Here We Go Again..
Roosevelt Road Green Line Station, April 2012. (Nancy Stone, Chicago Tribune)
It has begun. Semester number two at Columbia College Ch..