I am happy to report that I survived my first year of grad school and my first semester teaching. It’s hard to believe how quickly thi..
Why Columbia?
You may remember my previous two posts where I discussed why I decided to pursue graduate studies and my grad school application process…
Applications, Portfolios, Decisions
If you remember my last post, I described my journey to making a decision to apply to grad school. Today I’ll reveal part two of the s..
Why Grad School?
This past week I had the pleasure of meeting some of the newly admitted students in the next cohort of Nonfiction MFA students at Colu..
Doing Research
As I mentioned in my prior post, I’ve been starting to think about larger, more long-term projects (dare I even say the word, thesis?)..
Warp Speed
Three weeks into the semester I have read five books, written drafts for three pieces (however short), and taught six classes. That’s ..
Evolving into a New Semester
If you’ve followed my past posts, you know that last semester I took the Composition Theory and Praxis course. Basically it is a gradu..
The Truth About Chicago Weather
Sure, it looks magical, enchanting even, as the snow glides through the streetlights and dances past your window. Snow isn’t all that ..
Taking Time
Since my last post, things have calmed down considerably. The semester has ended, Christmas has come and gone, and I’ve taken some wel..
Almost There!
Finals week is upon us.
Thinking back, at this time last year, I was staying up late, working feverishly on my grad school applicat..