Epitonic Enjoys Some saki Action to Celebrate It’s One Year Relaunch
Epitonic is actually a thirteen year-old .com entity and was originally founded in March of 1999. Epitonic is an editorial and music discovery site. The site struggled to stay alive and went into hybernation for about six years, but one year ago, Co-Founder and President, Justin Sinkovich brought the site back to life. The launching of a Kickstarter campaign was able to breathe life back into the business and get it back on its proverbial feet.
The site is a great resource for music lovers. Since the relaunch, Epitonic has provided users with approximately ten thousand carefully crafted, free and, yes, LEGAL music tracks. There are usually about ten new tracks posted daily. The site includes album and concert reviews, a make-your-own play lists feature, and other commentary from the editors.
Epitonic has partnered up with saki, a record store in Logan Square, and is producing live events with Epitonic artists. To celebrate their one-year anniversary, Epitonic and saki celebrated the one-year anniversary party all weekend.
Performances Included:
Friday, March 9 Laura Gibson
Saturday, March 10 Brontosaurus and A Light Sleeper
Sunday, March 11 – Legit, The GTW, and Lili K (Columbia College’s AEMMP Hip-Hop Label Showcase)
Since I wasn’t able to attend, I asked Jessica Weisensell, fellow AEMM student and Epitonic supporter, about the performance.
“I had heard of Brontosaurus, but wasn’t familiar with their music. I had no idea who A Light Sleeper was, but both bands are now on my radar. They were great additions to an Epitonic celebration. Brontosaurus was high energy with every track, and A Light Sleeper brought such a unique sound you didn’t want it to end.”
Also, I interviewed Holley McConnell, an Epitonic Staff writer and fellow AEMM student. I asked her about her overall view on Epitonic and how her experience their has benefited her.
“As a graduate student at Columbia College Chicago, I am fortunate to have great access to music professionals that teach and also work in the field. In my first semester here, I found out about the relaunch of Epitonic from one of my professors, Justin Sinkovich, and quickly became involved in the project. I now act as a content editor– writing show reviews, conducting interviews, scouting artists, communicating with publicists, and facilitating saki sessions. My experience has been incredibly valuable. Being a part of a start-up has allowed for great responsibility. I have a voice in the organization, and am able to aid in building the brand from the ground-up. It’s a continually evolving process, especially in the fast paced music media industry, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”