The Final Stretch
I’m nearing the end of my very first year here at Columbia College Chicago. I can’t believe I have almost completed an entire year of graduate school already—what an accomplishment! However, after I turn in my final papers, present my final projects and take my final exams…I think reality is finally going to set in. School’s out for summer, right?! Not exactly the case for those of us in the Dance/Movement Therapy & Counseling program.
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Because our accelerated program requires more credits than most, we continue to take classes throughout the summer as well. It could be viewed as slightly overwhelming, but honestly it’s the nature of the beast! As a graduate student, we are expected to give our all throughout the year and I am honestly excited for this next chapter to begin. Not only will we be starting our summer practicum at each of our respective clinical placement sites, but we will have the opportunity to once again enjoy the cultural dance life within this fabulous city of Chicago!
Many of us within The Department of Creative Arts Therapy will continue to hold down jobs this summer while we attend class and shadow at our summer practicum sites. I’m very thankful that I have the opportunity to continue to work along with school and my field placement. It will make for a very exciting and busy summer for us all! So of course I will be doing my best to remember to incorporate as much “self care” into my life as possible.
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It’s been an amazing first year here at Columbia College Chicago, and I am so grateful for all of the experiences that I’ve had thus far. I have met some amazing people, and also learned so very much from them. I have overcome some really huge challenges while also continually discovering more about myself each and every day. It was a wonderful first chapter to this exciting adventure and I’m ready for the next big step. Bring it on!