The IAM Team at Manifest!
Manifest 2023 has passed, and the Interactive Arts and Media Department made an outstanding impression!
On May 12th, students from Columbia College Chicago showcased their talents by displaying their capstone and thesis projects with the IAM team (Interactive Arts and Media) at the 916 Building. The event was filled with a variety of games designed and programmed by the students, as well as AR and VR projects. Numerous undergrad and master’s students presented their hard work to the Columbia Community, creating a colorful and creative atmosphere.
The students’ design skills, creativity, and hard work were on full display through their various projects. Visitors were excited to try out every station, leading to long lines to play the numerous digital games and exhibitions in the building.

Students are in line to test the games made by our IAM students!
As an Interaction Design student, I was thrilled to witness a diverse community of designers, programmers, developers, and artists who were proud of their year-long projects. This atmosphere was something I had never experienced before in my home country—I even got to witness the user testing of one of my graduate colleagues for their thesis projects!—and now that I am here, I am excited to continue my studies and have the opportunity to showcase my research like the students at this year’s Manifest.

Student testing one of the VR exhibitions!