Spotlight: Wabash Arts Corri-Doors
The ~best~ thing about the MAM program is getting to see student work come to life. About a year and a half into this program, we are getting to see each other’s ideas turn into plans and plans turn into work and work turn into fully realized art. The Hokin Project, The Third Mask Festival, and The Fresh Connect are all examples of student ideas becoming reality. In the past few weeks, we have seen another MAM student’s idea take full flight. This would be none other than 2nd year and resident #doordork, Yvvi Atanassov. Since starting the program, we have heard about Yvvi’s obsession with doors, which is fully detailed on her Instagram @enchantingdoors_ (go follow!). Yvvi describes her love of doors through her favorite quote from Julie Powell: “Doors are going to open doors you can’t even imagine exist.” This passion and obsession with doors has led her to create the amazing project below!
Yvvi Atanassov (MAM ’20) showing off the artwork of Evan Kasle to a tour group!
Yvvi has taken this passion for doors and turned it into permanent art installations as part of the Wabash Arts Corridor. Wabash Arts Corri-Doors is a community-wide initiative to transform doors – garage, side, service doors and more – into vibrant murals. For this project, 7 doors in the South Loop, close to campus, have been transformed through unique student-created murals that will further enhance, vitalize and refresh the Wabash Arts Corridor and our college campus. This is a low-cost, high-impact public art project and a sprawling exhibition that will engage new audiences to come see what’s happening at Columbia College and WAC. They also partnered with a few new and existing community members and organizations, thus increasing support for WAC and student artists.
Work in Progress from Columbia alum, Erik Salgado!
If you can, check out the Wabash Arts Corri-Doors in person! WAC provides a map to help you navigate all of the free public art on your own or with a group of friends.
If you can’t make it over in person, check out the artists involved. Info below:
Transcendence by Tara Hamilton
Clearly I’m obsessed and can’t wait to check out these A-DOOR-ABLE new works! You should too!
Until next time,