Here is the End

Here is the End

Two years, it has been. And now I’m writing my last blog post. In this one, I will try to summarize my years at Columbia: where I was and where I am right now.

I have very mixed feelings. When I turn back and look at the years I was at Columbia College, I can see how much I learned and how much I grew up. It was a very brave move to take my suitcases and go to a country where I had never been. I will definitely remember this part of my life. Although I loved my experience, I feel I need to start working now. I feel like I’m ready to take on real tasks and improve myself more.

The first semester was the introduction for me. I was introduced to a new city, a new filmmaking culture, and many more things. The second semester was when I was focused on learning and making films. When the second year started, I was used to the city, and I kept learning more and more. I also joined the Turkish community in Chicago and made new friends. Also, my thesis film, Silver Cord, began. I and my producer, Urwa Zubair, started working on our thesis film at the beginning of that second year. Two years, filled with filmmaking, America, new cultures and many more things…

After my fourth semester ended, my producer and I were still working on Silver Cord. We decided to extend our enrollment one more semester with a zero-credit thesis course to have more time to spend on our film. Meanwhile, I applied for OPT. For those who don’t know what OPT is, Optional Practical Training lets international students work in the US for a year (unless you are a STEM major— in that case, you get 3 years). Normally, you apply for OPT after graduation, but there is an exception if you are only working on your thesis after completing all other degree requirements. I applied for my OPT to start on September 1st, 2019.

While I was waiting for my Work Authorization Card to arrive I was working on Silver Cord’s post-production. I was also trying to find a job. I have been applying to production companies all over the US. Then, one day, I was talking to a Turkish friend of mine who is doing his master’s in LA, and he offered to let me to stay at his house. I couldn’t reject that offer. I moved to LA!

I received my EAD card, and now I am looking for jobs in Los Angeles. I hope I can find something and potentially stay here in LA.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog posts! Here is the end of a journey. I hope you enjoyed, learned, and discovered new things from my blog. Keep checking my film’s website: Also, check out my website as well:

Farewell. Suha out.