New Admitted Students and Ready to Record Again

New Admitted Students and Ready to Record Again

I feel like just yesterday I was writing a blog post all about one of my recording sessions, and how nervous and excited I was. Lo and behold, here I am again.

How did it come to this? Months passing by in the blink of an eye is a good thing right? Yeah, let’s go with that!

Anyways, here we are regardless and I wouldn’t want be anywhere else. The exciting thing about this recording session is we get to conduct our own works in front of a live chamber ensemble. Awesome, right? This is one of the reasons I came to Columbia College Chicago—to write my own music, recorded by live musicians under my musical direction. I mean, how could you say no to something like that? That’s right, you can’t. Speaking of my decision to come to Columbia, this week was our release of our first set of acceptance letters and I am so excited to start chatting with and meeting the new students, especially at Admitted Students Day on April 10, where the students will meet myself and my cohort as well as attend our live recording session.

This is always an exciting day for the program. I am so happy that we reach out to these students in a way that they can attend and see all of the exciting things that we have to offer if they choose to come to Columbia and study in our Music Composition for the Screen MFA. It’s a great day of food, friends, music, and learning that is always a ton of fun. I am ready to see the new group that is planning on furthering their education at this institution under marvelous leadership and teaching skills.

Last update: it’s internship season. I have sent off my hopefuls and have had an offer as well. I can’t really talk about it at the moment, but it’s exciting to share nontheless. The internship process is a big part of who we are and what we do here at Columbia. We work hard for two years until we get to our Los Angeles internship, our classes, and our recording session. Everything I have worked for in my life as a musician is going to come together with all that Los Angeles has to offer. Is it scary? Yeah. Do I think I will be okay? Absolutely. I have had the amazing support of the staff here at Columbia, my cohort, and my family. Make sure you don’t lose that when you go off to school. Lean on those around you and support those in need. Our industry is a tough one but it is SO worth it in the end.

Well, that’s all from me this time around. Back to the grindstone. Until next time my friends, best wishes, and happy composing!