Two Weeks Left: Summer Countdown

Calvin and Hobbes has always been a treasured source of perspective or in some cases, just like, highly relatable.
It’s Monday, August 20—the day I’m writing this post, and there are two full weeks left of the summer before my cohort returns for our second (and final) year. This has been the first summer in nine years that I haven’t worked full time in an office and it’s been a welcome relief to take some time for myself….to go totally crazy. Ok, that’s not fair, because I’ve done a lot of wonderful things. BUT! Have I been staring down the barrel of self-doubt because late capitalism has taught me that my value is derived from my position in the workforce, and I’m totally unsure what is going to happen after this next year of my life, and as much as I love capital-P Projects, it’s also really hard to get them funded, and…and…and…AAANd… AAAAND!?!!?
Columbia, I need to be back!! The structure of classes, school, and the workday has become sorely missed and I’m beginning to suffer from Too Much Freedom (TMF), a rare first world grad student condition in which any relaxation turns into lots of thinking about the quest for one’s career. It’s like what my classmate Andrei said over text the other night:

Andrei, bringing the heavy realism that I can only reliably count on from my Russian friend.
Since I wrote last, I did go to Portland, OR to see friends from undergrad and spent some time with my parents in North Carolina. I also sprained my ankle in a silly incident involving impractical platform sandals, gravel, and running for a car. The last two weeks I’ve spent recuperating while trying to get as much work done for OTV and CADS as possible as I wrap up my summer engagements and gear up for what the school year will hold. The ankle went through a massive bruising and swelling process but I’m happy to report it’s basically back to normal with maybe only a couple more days until full recovery. But sprained ankles are no joke–they take forever to heal. So here’s a hot pro-tip: don’t sprain your ankle. Wear those sensible shoes, readers.
Next week I’ll be attending a student mixer, new student welcome day, and just generally getting back into the swing of things. I am also working with graduate students Veronica Inberg and Colleen McCulla on a game plan to create a graduate student group where we can mix the programs together to create opportunities for collaboration and cross-pollination. For Arts Management in particular, there is no management without the artists and the connections. More on that to come…
Dear reader, I hope my next post is less of an anxious navel gaze and more of an excited celebration about the new Arts Management cohort and generally the positive energy of momentum forward.

It’s all going to be okay. It all works out in the end. All anxieties will pass.