Welcome to Columbia!
Dear Incoming Columbia Music for the Screen Composers,
The above photo is of the building you will be basically living in for the next two years. Even more specifically, the top floor of this building. Get ready for an abundance of new experiences! You are going to rock at it! The most important thing that I learned from my first year is that you should pull from other composers, but while you’re doing that, you should really be thinking about who YOU are, musically. Your unique voice is what is going to get you to stand out in an already dense packed industry. There are so many composers out there. This should never stop you! Create who you are as a person, and what you’re musically interested in. Take the music you already love so dearly from other influences, and take a further step, break the boundaries they have created and show the world a new voice. If you ever feel as though you’re not just there yet, I have news for you, you never will be. That’s the best part of music, it is constantly changing. BUT, if you ever question yourself or your work, I assure you, that every composer has had that exact feeling. Actually, every person in the world has, so don’t sweat it! And don’t forget that music doesn’t just have to be a job for you, it can also be a therapy. You’re having a tough time with that film or assignment? Write a short little something just for fun, or just for you. Crack out that other instrument you’ve been neglecting, have a blast, and then get back to it with a fresh mind!
My end of summer has consisted of creating a ton of original samples for a Sci-Fi film I am working on called “CXL.” Within a twenty four hour period I met with other musicians and created instruments and samples from things that were in and outside of my house. Luckily while I was outside of my apartment, there were some guys working on the apartment building. They ended up creating bird calls and using their work tools to create different sounds for me as I recorded them. One of the coolest samples I got was of a chainsaw. I’m lucky enough to have bandmates that also contributed to my samples. Pictured above is Daniel Robbins, the guitarist, vocalist, and front man of Doomerang, the band I play bass guitar in. He was cool enough to bring his musical saw over for a recording session as well as his electric cello. We used both of the instruments in their classic use, as well as some extended techniques. I also got to work with the amazing vocalist, Katie Kadan, who is also the keyboardist for Doomerang. The samples that I created with her vocals within Kontakt became so evolved that you can’t even tell that it’s her voice. Once I have the all clear, I’ll share the tracks for the film, as each instrument in it is completely original, and I’ll break it down so you can hear exactly what each part initially was.
The band, Doomerang, picture above. We have had two shows so far and have been a band since May 2016. We’re lucky enough to have a radio interview coming up September 29th, as well as a few upcoming shows. If you’re around the neighborhood, come check out and support some local music! I’ll be posting throughout the semester when we will be performing. Being in a band has been such a great experience, and has helped me so much in my writing. If you play an instrument, get out their and jam with some other musicians! It can only expand your mind and musical palette. Have a great last week of summer everyone!