Hello From Another Side
It is hard to believe just how fast the summer flew by, a flurry of activity. I had a wedding, taught two Creative Writing classes filled with some pretty amazing high schoolers for seven weeks, and most recently started a new full time position with The HistoryMakers and moved into a new place!
It has been such a whirlwind of activity and I didn’t even realize how quickly the end of my run as FictionMFA neared.
I can’t believe I only have a semester to of thesis to go. What I can believe – because I’ve experienced it first hand – is how awesome an experience these past two years have been.
I hope this blog has been a helpful resource to people considering or currently in graduate programs. But, if you haven’t taken away anything else, please please please know that the best way to make the most of graduate school (or any situation, really) is to take the opportunities that come your way. It sounds really simple but can be so hard sometimes, I know. For some there’s financial restraints and work. For others, there’s families and households to consider. But, if you want it, go for it.
Well, it’s officially the start of the fall semester! For many of us that means new cohorts, orientations, syllabi, reading lists, essays, deadlines, workshops, and for me still there’s THESIS.
So this isn’t goodbye so much as it is a hello from another side of the writing life.
I’ll be looking for your work out there in the literary sphere. Promise me you’ll also be looking for mine.