I. Need. To. Write.
**title courtesy of a poem by Def Poetry Jam Poet J. Ivy, link purposely withheld due to explicit language but you're welcome to Google him yourself if you've never experienced him or Def Poetry Jam.**
The truth is, I stopped writing for-real-for-real at the end of May.

GIF: ReactionGif.com
In my defense, my wedding was in June. So those first June weeks were filled with last-minute things. And then there was the honeymoon. And then I came back to reality and had a week to wrap up things at my old job. And then last week, I started my new job: co-teaching two four-hour Creative Writing classes filled with 30 high school students apiece Monday through Friday at After School Matters. And in case you’ve never taught, trust me: It’s exhausting.
So, I’ve been pooped I let Life distract me from my thesis art.
I told myself on Thursday, June 30, that on Friday, July 1, I would turn over a new leaf and making no more excuses—no matter what happened. This was after I’d reread Stephen King’s essay “Reading to Write” and saw this:

Photo: QuoteFancy.com
It is now six days after that vow and I have avidly participated in the reading but have yet to really start the writing. Here’s the thing: the longer you go without writing, the harder it is to get back into it.
But now, I’m confessing. And vowing to do better.
I promise because summer’s almost over and my advisor will be looking for my revised thesis early fall.
[To be continued in a future blog].