Student Work and A New Year
Hello Everyone!
My name is Katrina Zemrak, and I am the new Graduate Ambassador for the Music Composition for the Screen program! If you would like any information about the program outside of this blog, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at music.comp.mfa@colum.edu!
So, the first three weeks of school have gone by and it has been nothing short of amazing. Right off the bat we started composing and have been creating about four scores every week. The great thing about it is that some of the students have never scored films, while some have, but everyone has something to contribute that’s different from everyone else.
Here are a few tracks from some of the first year students in the past three weeks!
Kubilay Uner, Drew Edwards, and Francisco Trigueros are the amazing teachers that we are studying under as first year students. Kubi teaches Scoring 1, Drew teaches Film History, and Francisco teaches Lab Tutorial, which is focused in Logic for the first year. Kubi has been with the program for around a year now, and he’s created a great environment for the students. Some great news that we recently got from Kubi, is that Howard Shore, composer of the Lord of the Rings movies, will be teaching a Master class for us in October! I know that I can speak on the behalf of the students in the program in thanking him for this amazing opportunity!
Two other great things about the program that were recently added, is the beautiful paneling job in the classroom, and the mixing room that is offered only to us as grad students. Both rooms sound absolutely AMAZING! You can listen to so many different types of music supplied by our huge music library, and study the mixing and composition of each clearly because of the paneling set ups.
Check out this blog again in three weeks for another update! And thanks for tuning in!