Saying Goodbye to My Ambassador Days

Saying Goodbye to My Ambassador Days


Columbia College Chicago

I can’t believe my days as a graduate student ambassador have finally come to an end. What an amazing opportunity it truly was! I had such a blast representing the dance/movement therapy & counseling program these past two years, and I feel I should spend my last blog spilling the beans about how awesome it truly was.


Student Faculty Concert 2015

Student Faculty Concert 2015

I still remember the day I found out I was picked to be the ambassador for the Dance/Movement Therapy & Counseling program (I may or may not have jumped for joy). I first heard about the position of “ambassador” from David Marts (now one of my current bosses) when I took my very first tour of Columbia College Chicago. A chance to represent my program at social events, blog about my experiences, meet with prospective students, AND get paid?? SIGN ME UP! I knew it was the job for me.

The Dance Center

The Dance Center


Dinner at the President’s house

Luckily I was right! Since my time as a graduate student ambassador I have met some truly amazing people. Whether it was a prospective student, a fellow ambassador, a boss, or even the president—I never would have had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with such fantastic people. My fellow ambassadors’ talent within their prospective fields never ceased to amaze me. Spending time with them honestly made me realize how awesome Columbia College Chicago truly is as a school. There is so much talent here! Also, it was wonderful to make friends outside of my program. I will be forever grateful for their words of wisdom and nights of laughter.

FullSizeRender(2)FullSizeRender(1)As an ambassador, I was also given the opportunity to chat with prospective students almost every day. This was one of the most rewarding aspects of the job, as I was able to support these individuals with their application process, and also meet with many of them one-on-one to give my personal perspective and advice. I am so overjoyed to see these individuals make it into the program and thank me for being a guiding light during their decision-making journey. Many have also shared that my blogs and tweets were inspiring and helpful for them as well, which was truly very touching. At the end of the day, that’s what this whole job was really about!



I am pleased to announce that my predecessor has officially been chosen, and I couldn’t be more excited for her! Originally from Germany, current International Graduate Student Assistant, Jessica Lochte, will be sure to provide a new fantastic perspective on her journey here at Columbia thus far. Passing the torch will be bittersweet, but it is time for me to pursue my professional career as a dance/movement therapist!

Thank you to everyone who made my ambassador journey so special! Au revoir!IMG_1567