Mitten Bound
My coursework is finally complete, and two years have completely flown by. With this time of the year finally arriving, I had some really important decisions to make. One of the biggest decisions was deciding where I was going to live! After much deliberation, and weighing of the pros and cons—I decided that moving back home to the mitten state was the best choice for me. This past week was filled with packing, hauling, moving, and fabulous farewell dinners.
One of the hardest aspects of moving away from Chicago will be saying goodbye to some of the wonderful people I have met. Through this program, I really have met some of my closest friends. I was extremely blessed to have a roommate who could support me throughout the program and know exactly what I was going through. I will miss everyone so much! One of the nicest aspects of the week was a surprise farewell dinner party where we shared fabulous food, laughs, tears, and hugs. It was a beautiful way to share our gratitude for one another and simply say, “see you soon.”
My week continued with sorting through ALL OF MY STUFF and packing it into countless boxes. I feel it is always very eye-opening to pack up one’s life and realize what things are truly the most important. It was a surreal feeling to see my life packed away into a U-HAUL—filled with valuable memorabilia, precious trinkets, and personal treasures that represent me. I couldn’t believe how different my room felt when it was emptied and ready for its next owner to move in. It was the perfect representation of picking up my life to move on to my next chapter.
I am so thankful I was able to live in Chicago in my early twenties. What an absolute adventure it was! I learned so much about myself, and grew immensely. I will never forget the amazing people, late nights out on the town, energizing dance performances, amazing restaurants, and of course the classic tourist attractions with my visitors. I’m so grateful I came to Columbia College Chicago and experienced the dance/movement therapy & counseling program, however now I am headed home to Michigan to write my thesis and begin my next adventure!