Decisions, Decisions…

Decisions, Decisions…

My niece graduated from 8th grade this year. My full time cohort also graduated this year. I look at the time as it passes, and I feel myself remembering her life in relationship to mine I can’t help but think of the advice that I would give her, and even myself at such a threshold in life.

From this place in life in which I stand, life is about choices. Not only is it about choices, but it is about understanding the process of making a good choice. I’m led to wonder, “what is decision making about?”

I took a moment to do a quick review to see what the “experts” say are the best ways to handle choices and make good decisions. A quick Google search and nonscientific survey reveals that there seems to be an agreement about the process.

Identifying that a decision must be made is slightly redundant, but it is important to mention. Without the identifying, there is no attention, and nothing is considered. Being able to identify that a decision is necessary is not always the easiest thing. We don’t walk around with mirrors, and don’t always have others around or counsel.

So knowing we need to decide upon something can feel…you fill in the blank, but at least the fire is started. But wait, wait! We don’t want it to burn too fast! otherwise we would lose control! That’s where stopping, waiting, and taking it all in comes in.That’s what the so-called “experts” seem to agree comes next. Don’t make any snap judgements, no rash decisions. Wait. Pause. Meditate. Pray. PoTAYto. PoTAHto…Take a moment.

…Feel that? That moment? That’s what taking a moment does. It makes you FEEL things. That would be what experts call intuition. We should be listening to it. In the stillness, we are left with just ourselves, our bodies. From our bodies we can get all types of information: are we hungry, did we get enough sleep, what made us angry, what do we desire. Right there in our body; We have the answers right there for us, just waiting for us to pick up on what it is we have to do, need to do, want to do. Just take a moment first, though, and listen to that beautiful little gut of yours.

Your decision making strategy(ies)

Your decision making strategy(ies)

Do WHAT!?! Oh my my. Dear instinct, you must have me mistaken for someone else! Someone with BALLS enough to to THAT. Is it me, or is it Fear talking? Search high and low, many times over; Decisions can be a wee bit on the friggin scary side. Its okay, though! That’s all really really normal! Isn’t that great!? So fear is okay! GO ahead, feel the fear; That’s all part of the decision making process.

So, how’d you do? Did you come out okay? Ready to try it again? It’s like a muscle. The more you work at it, the better it gets. Summer is here and life is constantly on the horizon. Congratulations graduates! Let’s rock the heck out of these decisions! Here’s to a great Summer 2015!