Goodbye and Thank You…Ambassador Out

Columbia College Chicago Journalism MA class of 2014. Photo Credit: Saiyna Bashir
Well I’m approaching the one month mark since my thesis was signed off on, which signified the end of my Journalism, MA program at Columbia College Chicago.
That also means this is my last post on Marginalia. It’s weird to think I’m done. It feels like just yesterday I was reaching out to the ambassador about the application process. I feel like I just received my acceptance letter—the best Valentine. I remember turning in my notice to leave my advertising job to move to Chicago and pursue my dream career.
It’s crazy to think I haven’t even been out of my job and moved away for two years yet and I already completed my degree.
Looking back on the last 15 months, I remember my first deadline and my last, the first day of class and meeting everybody and the last day of class saying “goodbye” and “see you later,” to my classmates turned friends.
The ups, downs, trials, tribulations, experiences, opportunities and connections I made throughout my time at Columbia have been not only memorable, but also times I love looking back on because it’s those moments that continued to reassure me of the decision I made to leave everything behind and pursue this career.
The last two items of that list—opportunities and connections—are key to Columbia’s program. It’ because of those that my Chicago-based internship has turned into a job, and one in which I cannot wait to return to in a week!

Doing a college hoops segment with Campus Insiders’ resident basketball analyst Jordan Cornette. Screen shot by: Danielle M. Dwyer
You never know who you may meet whether through job fairs, internships, guest speakers, etc., and where those people could lead you in your career, but one thing is for sure, you will never find out if you don’t take the first step.
And I agree with the words of Columbia alumnus and former Graduate Student Ambassador, Katie Kather, “Journalism is changing so quickly that it can hardly keep up with itself, but Columbia knows that, and somehow it keeps up. You won’t find a more hands-on journalism program anywhere. The faculty at Columbia acknowledge all these crazy changes happening in the field, but they also stay grounded in the fundamentals: good, solid reporting skills, telling a story well and doing it all ethically.”
The application deadline is quickly approaching, so what are you waiting for?!
I mentioned in a previous blog that my one regret was I didn’t enroll in Columbia’s program sooner, and it still holds true today.
So as I sit here in a bittersweet state, I want to thank all of you for your emails, tweets and kind words. It’s been a great ride that I’ve enjoyed sharing with each and every one of you.
While it’s “Ambassador Out” for me, I know you’ll be in good hands moving forward with the new Graduate Student Ambassador, Devon Marti. She’s a fellow (well, for me) Ohio girl with a big passion for journalism, and wasted no time diving into Columbia’s offerings.
Good luck! And remember, stop wondering and start doing—“Live what you love,” it’s Columbia’s motto and could be yours too, you just have to take the first step.