My One Regret

My One Regret


Loving what I do during my studio record at my Campus Insiders internship. Credit: Danielle M. Dwyer

Ever since I became the ambassador for Columbia College Chicago’s Journalism MA program, I have received lots of questions about how I knew leaving behind everything to pursue my master’s in Chicago was the right decision.

Actually, even before I had my first day of class, I had received that question so many times.

During the research process to find a school, to Columbia’s application process, to deciding to accept my offer to join the program, to moving, to starting the program, I have had so many people ask me, well, are you sure this is the right decision? Are you sure you want to move to do this?

And the answer has always been, and will continue to be, yes.

I’m a firm believer in living with no regrets, living life to the fullest and taking chances because you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.

I also love the espression: “Life is meant to be ad-libbed, not scripted,” because you have to learn to go with the flow and follow the path that’s laid out for you no matter how many detours are along the way.

But I do have one regret.

And that regret is…I didn’t decide to enroll in Columbia’s program sooner.

I absolutely love what I do on a daily basis. Being a journalist and telling the stories of others, well, in my opinion, it doesn’t get much better than that.

There are so many inspiring journalists in the industry, and the more I see what they report and share with the public—the risks they take, the unique feature and heart-string stories—the more I wish I would’ve pursued my master’s at least a year earlier than I did.

Nonetheless, I have worked to make the most of my experience—not just to enhance my skills, but to constantly remind myself of how great this career is.

I have been able to shed light on a group of neighbors working to combat drug violence, and a youth boxing club using sports as a way to mentor and communicate with Chicago’s youth on the importance of school, staying off the streets and out of trouble, and increasing the minimum wage to help many support their families.

While those are just a snippet of what I’ve been able to cover in my (almost) 15-month journey through the program, I love reflecting back on how far I’ve come and looking forward to what the future has in store for my career.

The more I talk to prospective students, like yourself, the more my own passion for journalism is solidified.

Columbia’s motto is “Live what you love,” and I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, that’s exactly what you do here. You have a continuous hands-on experience in and out of the classroom, you hear from industry experts and professionals, you report on various topics that affect the masses and you have a plethora of internship opportunities at your fingertips.

The possibilities are endless, and my only question is, what are you waiting for?